
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Greener, the Better: Why We Should Plant More Trees

I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. - Dr. Seuss Does planting trees can really make a difference to the world? Due to the advances in technology, economic upheaval and massive changes, people are now forgetting the importance of planting more trees to save the environment. Why should we plant more trees? What good could tree planting possibly do? Will it really affect our future? Trees provide us with millions of benefits. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of what we can benefit and utilize when there are more trees in our surroundings. I know that going green is a challenging issue we are facing. Our brain knows what is right but our actions do otherwise. We are scared to get out of our comfort zone and be an agent of change for all. Proper care for trees and for our forest is crucial to our health and to our surroundings. Trees are our investment for the future. Trees don’t grow just in days or weeks. It will take years for a tree to be fully grown and be use...

Interesting Fun Facts About Clownfish

Why are these pretty bright orange and white-striped fish called Clownfish? Are they really funny? Let's find out. When you see or hear the word  Clownfish , does it remind you of the colorful Clownfish in the movie   Finding Nemo?   which is by the way the ultimate star of the movie. When Finding Nemo film become an absolute hit, the wants for Clownfish as pets tripled. Kids go crazy on this delightful cheery movie that shows courage and love. So, why are these pretty bright orange and white-striped fish called Clownfish? Are they really funny? Let's find out. Script from Finding Nemo BILL:  Hey, you're a Clownfish. You're funny, right? Hey, tell us a joke. BOB/TED:  Yeah, yeah. Come on, give us a funny one. MARLIN:  Well, actually, that's a common misconception. Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. BILL:  Aw, come on, clownie. TED:  Yeah, do something funny. BOB:  Yeah! MARLIN:  All right, I know one joke. Um, there's a mollus...

The Ozone Depletion Phenomenon

The depletion of the Ozone layer on our stratosphere is one of the most complex and serious environmental issue the planet is facing today. Damaging the Ozone layer put the world at an increasingly greater risk. SOS: Save our Sky. Protect the Ozone Layer. September 16  is World Ozone Day (International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer) "In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly voted to designate September 16 as "World Ozone Day", to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol on that date in 1987." Montreal Protocol is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer. It decreases or phased out the production of numerous chemicals and substances believed to be causing ozone depletion. The depletion of the Ozone layer on our stratosphere is one of the most complex and serious environmental issue the planet is facing today. Over the past years, we saw evidence of human activities that affects the Ozone layer and this has been building up...

5 Major Contributors to Forest and Wildlife Extinction

Extinction means they're gone forever. Save our forest and the vanishing wildlife before it's too late. Love your forest and the wildlife that lives on it. But somehow, more and more people abused these natural resources of the planet. They cut down trees but never cared to replace them. Our forests occupy most of Earth’s land surface - decades ago. These forests housed 80% of animals and plant species, which are doomed for extinction if people won’t stop their own selfish intentions to this wildlife world. Have you ever thought what you can do for nature other than what nature can do for you? We know for a fact that we need forest for all our needs and supplies. But why can’t they replace a small plant when they cut down trees? Is that very hard to do? Replacing these trees will also benefit the people of tomorrow. We should not let our mountains be barren and dead. We must take into consideration on the consequences of our own doings to nature. Think first before you act. We ...

Dynamite vs Cyanide Fishing: What's the Difference?

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."  - John Sawhill It is everyone's responsibility to protect and help take care of our oceans and the marine life it holds. Learn more about Dynamite and Cyanide fishing - its difference and major effect to the marine environment. Dynamite and Cyanide fishing  are both methods of collecting live fish and is an illegal activity that mankind is doing on our seas to just easily catch fish. The once beautiful marine environment under the sea was ruined by man's greed and laziness. Instead of using the typical conventional hooks and nets, they used bombs and cyanide poisons to kill fishes. Unfortunately, the coral reefs and other sea creatures which are not their purpose to capture are also involved on this destructing activity. Let us take a closer look on what is dynamite and cyanide fishing is all about and its effect to marine environment: Dynamite Fishing or Blast Fishing Dynamite fis...

Most Common Natural Disasters and How They Are Formed

Let us take a closer look at the most common natural disasters and how they are formed that strikes our place leaving many people homeless and dead. Wikipedia defines  “N atural Disaster”  as major adverse event resulting from the natural processes of the Earth. This is a sudden event that causes widespread destruction, lots of collateral damage or loss of life, brought about by forces other than the acts of human beings. Let us take a closer look at the most common natural disasters and how they are formed that strikes our place leaving many people homeless and dead. Flood and Massive Landslide These are the result of deforestation, man's misuse of trees and forest. Illegal loggings, bare land and balding mountains contribute to the massive landslides we are experiencing that could lead to the deaths of hundreds of people all at once. People now depend for forest for their needs on woods and trees but are they being replaced? People should try to think of the consequences bef...

How to Protect and Save Marine Life

Everyone is responsible in saving our marine environment. What can you do as one person to help protect our natural resources? I’m calling for all to let us do our part and be the agent of change. There’s no better time to start than today. Different people in different places have different concerns when it comes to protecting and saving our marine environment. Not everyone fully understands that it is vital to have healthy oceans and seas or how human activities threaten our own marine life. Some nations continue to use destructive methods on fishing, throwing plastic garbage in bodies of water and continue to kill sea creatures. Every living marine creatures as well as coral reefs needed a clean and poison-free environment, just like us. Some marine animals may not be cute or cuddly but they’re worth saving. Everyone is responsible for protecting the oceans and seas. What can you do as one person to help save our ocean and marine creatures living in it? One person has the power to c...