The Greener, the Better: Why We Should Plant More Trees

I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. - Dr. Seuss

Does planting trees can really make a difference to the world?

Due to the advances in technology, economic upheaval and massive changes, people are now forgetting the importance of planting more trees to save the environment.

Why should we plant more trees? What good could tree planting possibly do? Will it really affect our future?

Trees provide us with millions of benefits. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of what we can benefit and utilize when there are more trees in our surroundings.

I know that going green is a challenging issue we are facing. Our brain knows what is right but our actions do otherwise.

We are scared to get out of our comfort zone and be an agent of change for all. Proper care for trees and for our forest is crucial to our health and to our surroundings.

Trees are our investment for the future. Trees don’t grow just in days or weeks. It will take years for a tree to be fully grown and be used for our needs.

But when people engaged into illegal logging and Kaingins, only minutes they will have to spare to cut down trees and destroy the future.

Remember that the soil which Kaingin takes place cannot be planted again with seedlings because the soil is already damaged. It will take time to gain the nutrients caused by the fire.

It only takes minutes to cut down trees but it will take years to grow one. Planting more trees will benefit the next generation just like we have benefited on the trees of yesterday.

Here are the reasons why we should plant more trees and the benefits that we can get from it:

  • Trees provide us with oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, odors and pollutant gasses. It also filters the air by trapping the particulates on their leaves and barks.

    Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming. Trees are our long term solution in lessening our carbon footprint.
  • Trees provide both human and animals with food and shelter.
  • Trees help shield the harmful ultra-violet rays from the sun. It provides protection and shade to people and to children who loves to go spend their time outdoors playing.
  • Trees help prevent soil erosion, landslides and flash floods. They slow down and control storm water run-off and hold soil in place. Trees also act like a sponge that can filter water naturally then use it to recharge groundwater supplies.
  • Trees provide people with their needs like papers and materials for building their houses by providing us wood and lumber.
  • Trees serve as a canopy and habitat for our wildlife.
  • Trees help conserve energy by cutting down consumption for air conditioners. They help cool temperature.
  • Trees bring peace. It helps calm down tensions and stress and also helps people psychologically rejuvenate.
  • That's the reason why when you want to de-stress, you go to nature, take a walk, and feel the freshness of cool air.
  • Trees also act as screen protector against massive winds by holding the force of the wind thus preventing objects and materials to be dragged to another place.
  • Trees can be a good source of additional income. A well managed group of trees or forest plus the fruit-bearing trees helps us add income to the family by selling its fruits and lumber.
  • Trees also help people especially children who are diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, one of the common childhood behavioral disorder).
  • Children who tend to go for a walk in nature have better behavior compared to others who don’t.
  • Trees can make a place more alive, beautiful and peaceful.
  • Trees mark the change of seasons - adding a glow to our surroundings.

When we plant trees, we are contributing to the lifetime preservation of our environment and repaying it on the damaged we have done and ensuring biodiversity of the planet.

We take down trees and create infrastructure - building, apartments, etc, but we also need to replace those trees so as to maintain the balance of nature.

My family loves to plant trees in our province. Whenever there's space, they would fill it up with trees, especially the fruit-bearing ones like jackfruit, mangoes, santol, avocados, chicos and also coconut and citrus.

When we purchased a much wider lot near the beach, my mom is so excited to fill it up with these fruit-bearing trees.

Well, it helps even in smallest way.

Trees are the lungs of the planet. And like our lungs, our planet cannot live without them. Without trees, life on Earth is impossible.

Let's Paint the World Green!

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.


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