Creative Ideas on How to Reuse Styrofoam

 Facts about Styrofoam

Styrofoam is the trademarked name or term of extruded Polystyrene foam, also known as the EPS foam, manufactured primarily by Dow Chemical.

Polystyrene foam is designated as Plastic No. 6 is a petroleum-based plastic made from styrene monomer and has been linked to cancer in humans. How?

In its production process, a carcinogenic chemical known as Benzene, is used.

So since this chemical is present, it is likely that food in direct contact with Styrofoam would be affected.

This plastic foam material is usually used for food and drink containers, packing material and other items.

It is really difficult to recycle Styrofoam and other EPS materials but then, some creative and unique ideas can be used with Styrofoam especially if we count the environmental benefit we can get when we reuse and recycle these things.

I find it very important to reuse and recycle because this material is hardly biodegradable and can last many decades, even almost forever.

Styrofoam has a high durability and strength making it an excellent packaging material.

They are also good insulators because they contain a lot of air; only 5% of the foam package is Polystyrene.

Even with its great benefits to mankind; Styrofoam, when ingested by animals can block their digestive tracts and may cause untimely death.

Simple Ways How to Reuse Styrofoam:

Always remember to wash very well the materials for it might contain salmonella. Just reuse clean Styrofoam to avoid any diseases and more damage and be aware of its dangers when used excessively.


  • You can use paper plates and trays as craft and art projects. You can glue seashells or any art papers on them and decorate it with used newspapers. This is fun to try to teach kids to be creative in art.
  • Use Styrofoam cups and trays to divide art supplies such as crayons and glitters and coloured pencils. It can also save time because children wouldn’t need to go on one place just to grab one crayon or beads.
  • Styrofoam cups can also be used as seed starters or pots for seeds, aside from the newspaper pots.
  • Styrofoam cups can also be used to store yarns or other knitting materials and small things and very handy for household paints and varnish.
  • Styrofoam trays can also be used to hold paint brushes, clays and other sticks for the kids.


  • Packing peanuts can also be used to stuff your own home-made pillows or Santa’s belly at Christmas.
  • You can also use Styrofoam peanuts to decorate your Christmas tree; sew several peanuts and let it dangle down the tree instead of buying plastic decorations.
  • Packing peanuts help keep the ice last longer and its contents colder. You just have to fill a sealable plastic bag with it and place it on top of ice in a cooler.
  • When you received a package with Styrofoam pellets, use it again for your next package. In this way, you saved money for not buying and you save environment too by not creating a demand for Styrofoam.


  • You can make crafty stamps for kids on this one. Cut a piece of it then shape it out. Put paint and let your kids explore his creativity.
  • Large Styrofoam can be use at the bottom layer of planters. Substitute Styrofoam on place of rocks and stones and stuff in for drainage, it is much way lighter.
  • You can also use them as stand for house plants so that the floor won’t be ruined.
  • Large Styrofoam is mainly used on theatrical production as props. There are many uses of this material on theaters and school plays because it is very light and easy to manage.
  • May it be for projects or programs, Styrofoam are very good for creating numbers and letters to be hanged on the walls.
  • Very neat for creative and home-made life jackets.
  • Styrofoam balls can be used as floaters for fishing or dock floaters.
  • Can also be made as a good decoration for gardens.

And if you have a lot of Styrofoam, check with your local shipping business if they want to buy it for shipping purposes or you can donate them.

I strongly suggest that we avoid purchasing Styrofoam materials in the first place. But in case we need it, always find ways to reuse Styrofoam and dispose it properly because of its effect on people, animals and also to our environment.

Since they are space-consuming, they take as much as 30% of landfills, making it hard to reduce the problems in waste and garbage.

Help save nature! What else can you do?

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.


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