Smoke Belching and the Environment

Let us dig deeper on how smoke belching can affect the environment as well as human’s health and how can we give our fair share in reducing air pollution.

Smoke belching is the forceful expulsion of smoke from the vehicle’s pipe. This is the number one major contributor to air pollution. Laws were passed to stop smoke belching and full force exerted to further protect the environment from air pollution. But somehow, people just ignored it and still do whatever they wished to do.

Heavy dark smoke forcefully spits out from the pipes of vehicles is very dangerous to our health. It’s like breathing poison that we knew could kill us one day.

Since drivers really save even a cent to buy clean diesel or motor oil, what they do is they tend not to change it for some quite period of it.

So what are the causes of smoke belching in vehicles?
  • Using low quality and used/unclean oils.
  • The overloading of vehicles.
  • Improper maintenance of the vehicle.
  • Improper way of driving like overspeeding.
  • Weak vehicle engine (engine not appropriate for the size of vehicle).

Smoke belching really needs to be reduced if not totally stopped. Air pollution alone already killed thousands of people in this planet. Are you going to wait for the time when you will become one of the victims of this harmful pollution?

There are so many campaigns and ways the government is forcing to every citizen just to minimize or reduce the air pollution we are experiencing these days.

Authorities continue to call on transport sector to also give their fair share in reducing air pollution.

Smoke belching can be prevented and it will only take a care and consideration to the environment of the person who are part of transport sector:
  • Use only clean motor oil and diesel.
  • Avoid over speeding or driving too fast with your vehicle.
  • Do not overload your vehicle by any means. Carry only what is entitled weight load of your vehicle.
  • Always make sure that the engine matches the size of the vehicle.
  • Have your vehicle tuned up and change the oil regularly.
  • Always clean the vehicle’s air filter.
  • Submit your vehicle for smoke emission tests.
  • Do not leave the vehicle in idle mode for a long time.
  • Do not adjust the “governor” of your engine if you have no knowledge about it. Instead let motor shops do it for you. Inappropriate adjustment can lead to improper combustion.
  • Encourage other citizens to stop smoke belching.





To the Environment:

Dark heavy smoke coming from the exhaust of vehicles contributes to the increase of smog, which is the fog-like smoke that blankets cities and other areas with so much pollution. It makes the view of skylines very vague.

Smoke belching also contributes to acid rain, which can really harm forest and trees as well as polluting existing table water. Acid rain occurs when the chemical composition of water changes due to chemicals from pollutants, and it becomes acidic. Not only it would affect plant and trees, it also makes the soil acidic.

Global warming is also caused by air pollution, which occurs by the excess of carbon dioxide in the air. Through smoke belching and other human activities, those chemicals reach the atmosphere and eventually cause changes to ozone levels.

To Human Beings:

As human beings, we need clean, fresh air to breathe. So when the air we breathe becomes polluted, numerous illnesses will arise. The main disease caused by air pollution is respiratory problems, and may depend on the level of exposure to polluted air.

People suffer from asthma and other respiratory issues will have more difficulty when exposed to pollution due to the contamination and toxicity of the air and may trigger a deeper condition. Long period of exposure may also cause cancers and emphysema.

By cooperating and following rules imposed to us on the proper etiquette on driving and proper maintenance of vehicles, we can save environment as well as hundreds or maybe thousands of life.

The only way that we can save environment from air pollution is to plant more trees that can absorb carbon dioxide and exchange it for purer oxygen. People need to refrain in doing even small things that can cause more pollution on their vehicles. If we all heed and change our ways, I’m sure that our environment will change for the better.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.


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